Pennsylvania gamblers are most likely next in line to play legalized online blackjack, poker, slots and other casino games.
A bill that adds online gambling and enhancements for land-based casinos is due for legislative action this spring after getting sidetracked during state budget negotiations.
State Rep. John Payne, chairman of the House Gaming Oversight Committee, predicts that at least some of the measures in the gaming bill will be approved by July.
Read more: Player's Advantage: Chances still good for online gambling in Pennsylvania | TribLIVE
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On the federal level, gambling online is perfectly legal, because of the lack of a law against it. The law simply does not create or extend any ban on gambling itself. All facts indicate, however, that sooner or later Americans will legally gamble online again!

Pennsylvania gamblers are most likely next in line to play legalized online blackjack, poker, slots and other casino games.
A bill that adds online gambling and enhancements for land-based casinos is due for legislative action this spring after getting sidetracked during state budget negotiations.
State Rep. John Payne, chairman of the House Gaming Oversight Committee, predicts that at least some of the measures in the gaming bill will be approved by July.
Read more: Player's Advantage: Chances still good for online gambling in Pennsylvania | TribLIVE
Follow us: @triblive on Twitter | triblive on Facebook

Does the law include bingo as well?
A bill that adds online gambling and enhancements for land-based casinos is due for legislative action this spring after getting sidetracked during state budget negotiations.
State Rep. John Payne, chairman of the House Gaming Oversight Committee, predicts that at least some of the measures in the gaming bill will be approved by July.
Read more: Player's Advantage: Chances still good for online gambling in Pennsylvania | TribLIVE
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