An eight-year-old Indian boy has won $500,000 in a game of online poker, according to reports doing the rounds of the Internet. Aashikh Nanak, who hails from northern city of Chandigarh, used his uncle's account to sign up a poker site before earning his fortune. But his family is now involved in a legal stoush after the site in question claimed the boy was underage and had engaged in account fraud.
Whether he is paid the money he won remains to be seen. :dirol
I don't think he will get that money.
HAHA what was the buy-in for the tourney:p
His uncle was a fool for telling folks before he got the cash. They'll never get it.
Well, whether he gets it or not doesn't really matter. In ten years we'll be watching him on TV winning more, anyway :1orglaugh
I find that one a little tough to swallow, but I guess it's possible.
Whether he is paid the money he won remains to be seen. :dirol