When Barack Obama announced he was running for president in 2007, he took the conventional route: speaking in front of a large hometown crowd, talking about change and quoting Lincoln. While it turned out to be rather effective, that type of announcement wouldn’t cut it today. Now, you’ve got to have a hook, something that can wow potential voters. Now that Jeb Bush and Donald Trump have thrown their hats in the ring, most of the major candidates have officially entered the 2016 race. So which announcement has been the most fun to watch? Express ranked each on a one-to-five scale based purely on entertainment value, with five being the most captivating.
Read more: 2016 presidential announcements, ranked by entertainment value - The Washington Post
He would be a great president
In typical Donald Trump fashion, the real estate mogul announced at a press conference that he is running for President!
He would be a great president
My vote goes to hillary clinton. If she now have to use a cigar 😁
Read more: 2016 presidential announcements, ranked by entertainment value - The Washington Post