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Ways to stop betting

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Hello everyone. Our forum is getting bigger and bigger. I am happy to see more and more people who come here and share their experience. There's been one intense discussion on 'Is it possible to ear enough to make a living on bets'. Of course, people have different opinions. Today I decided to ask people, how do they control this risky betting hobby. Maybe there's people who would share their experience? What would you suggest to a newbies who have just started betting? When do you need to start controlling yourself? What do you do when you can't stop?

As far as I remember I became interested in betting when I was a teenager. At first it was like a game, but then this things started getting bigger in my life. I started betting. I am a student already. Have tons of time, sometimes I even bet when I'm bored. I also like discussing on forums, etc.

I have a girlfriend, a car, a house. What would I need more? I address those who have serious problems with betting. Sometimes think that your ego is playing a huge part in gambling. I once read an article about a gamer, who lost a lot and tried to commit a suicide. Share your experience, thank you.
Join: 2012/06/07 Messages: 2
This is a very important topic. Some people here lost a lot and can't control - they are betting more an more. Sometimes people lose their salaries, their houses and they still fantasize of winning that money. I suggest you save the money you want to bet everyday. But everybody make their own choices. Good luck
Join: 2012/11/26 Messages: 8
A very stupid topic, I suggest to delete it at all. Winners or loosers, people come here to read and get information. What do they do with their money is none of your business. It's not the bookmakers fault if somebody loses constantly. It the problem in his/her head. If not betting, they would find another way to spend their money. No worry.

I bet because of the amusement. And get it every time. And I like it, trust me. I've been betting for a year. Lost only once. Also if somebody has problems, this topic won't help them. Their family, friends need to take care of this, not us. I repeat, if they won't be betting, they will find another ways to lose their money instead.
Join: 2012/07/04 Messages: 2
Ernesscius » 30 May 2012, 17:09

Hello, I want to share my experience. Maybe somebody will stop betting afterwards. I can surely say I have a problem with betting, and addiction. I've been doing this for 3 years. I used to bet 500-1000 EUR. But last year everything changed. After a Premier league my minus was 13K EUR. I then had a 100K EUR of savings, but I lost everything. EVERYTHING. My last 10K was lost in Euroleague finals. I then started to understand that I have a problem and I need to stop, because it was getting worse. This of this before you fantasize about some surreal things, for instance, that you can easily make a living and so on.
Join: 2012/11/26 Messages: 8
Don't be naive. Sooner or later everybody loses. And don't be stupid to say: I only win. Everybody who has a head on their shoulders will understand. O fit the topic, I suggest to bet at your local bookmakers, not the internet. Sometimes people are too lazy to walk out of their houses, so this might sound silly, but sometimes it stops them 😁
Join: 2009/11/16 Messages: 4
I only bet for my amusement. I take it as a hobby. If you like to fish, you invest into the gear, if you want to bet - you invest your money here. Of course, you can sit at home and do nothing every day, just watch tv. Of course, it is not healthy when gambling takes most of your time, when you have no time for everything else. If somebody bets and get an adrenaline rushing, why not do that? I've been betting for 3 years, my statistics - +0,24 ROI. I know quite a few people who make their living out of betting. And they bought flats, cars, etc. The difference between them and me: I do this for the sport and for them it's a job.
Join: 2011/08/21 Messages: 7 Thanks: 67
I recommend to limits yourself - every month set a limit of money you can spend on betting. The amount you can actually afford to lose, say. And if you overtop it - it's a first sign you are gaining an addiction. I once didn't bet for a year, because I had no job, therefore no money. And it wasn't a problem for me. So set your limits and you will be OK 😁
Join: 2013/03/07 Messages: 8 Thanks: 60
Just don't go to betting sites, find other activities. If you can't stop, bet very small amounts.
Join: 2015/01/31 Messages: 156
If you want to stop bet get other hobby.
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If you want to stop betting you may ask betting bookmakers that block you.
Join: 2015/02/26 Messages: 208
marchboy Wrote:

If you want to stop betting you may ask betting bookmakers that block you.

Good advice, but not all bookmakers will block you. They block your one account, but some bookmakers let you create other, and will block other account just then you bet some money.. then they will block account and take your money, so be careful.
Join: 2008/01/22 Messages: 177
pillpop Wrote:

Good advice, but not all bookmakers will block you. They block your one account, but some bookmakers let you create other, and will block other account just then you bet some money.. then they will block account and take your money, so be careful.

I heard that some tipsters had this situation with 1xbet
Join: 2015/01/31 Messages: 156
Best way to stop - not begin bet.
Join: 2015/01/05 Messages: 347
jstbets Wrote:

Best way to stop - not begin bet.

Yes, I agree, because you can to get involved in betting, lost much money and getdebts, so be careful with it.
Join: 2008/02/01 Messages: 395
You need alway place not more than 1.5% of your bank and you will not need to stop.
Join: 2014/12/29 Messages: 258 Thanks: 4
Maybe you don't need to stop betting, maybe you need to stop loosing money?
Join: 2015/02/26 Messages: 208
marchboy Wrote:

Maybe you don't need to stop betting, maybe you need to stop loosing money?

Good advice, if one betting strategy didin't work, need to try another.
Join: 2015/01/31 Messages: 156
idlepick Wrote:

Maybe you don't need to stop betting, maybe you need to stop loosing money?

Good advice, if one betting strategy didin't work, need to try another.
Maybe you can recommend some strategies?
Join: 2015/02/17 Messages: 275
miller3 Wrote:

Maybe you can recommend some strategies?

I use martingale strategy, if I lost I double my bet, But use it only three times, if after third time I lost, then I begin from start sum.
Join: 2015/01/31 Messages: 156
Don't take an interest in sport, find a new activity.
Join: 2008/01/22 Messages: 177