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SitOut Strategies

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[CENTER][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]

I Thought I would Start this thread to discuss the SitOut strategies

Now that IX has started revamping their regitration process for
the freerolls & eligible members are automatically entered into the events
the are gonna be a good amount of players 'sitting out'

What are your ideas w/ dealing w/ alotta sitouts at the tables
I have a few Ideas, but @ <16 wpm typing skills, I shall have to work on
putting it together, before posting it

Join: 2008/12/12 Messages: 250
mjoshin125 wrote:

[CENTER][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]

I Thought I would Start this thread to discuss the SitOut strategies

Now that IX has started revamping their regitration process for
the freerolls & eligible members are automatically entered into the events
the are gonna be a good amount of players 'sitting out'

What are your ideas w/ dealing w/ alotta sitouts at the tables
I have a few Ideas, but @ <16 wpm typing skills, I shall have to work on
putting it together, before posting it


[CENTER][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]

in position

if your are at the table w/ 2,3 or more sitouts behind you
you have found yourself 'on the button' a consecutive amount of times
this is great for you, & not so great for the others

you 'can' just bully the table
this happened to me, @ last weeks game
I dont recal the players (& that's not important)
but I was the one out of position
w/ the 'button' continuously, that player, played it well
(I think, that there were only 3 of us playing, making 6 sittouts)
I ended getting into allotta hands I shouldn't have
thus,, I was out qwik

'the multi-button' player, played it well to get me in hands
it sucked,being in my position
but I have a new strategy for that, if I find myself
in that position again

Join: 2008/12/12 Messages: 250
mjoshin125 wrote:

[CENTER][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]

in position

if your are at the table w/ 2,3 or more sitouts behind you
you have found yourself 'on the button' a consecutive amount of times
this is great for you, & not so great for the others

you 'can' just bully the table
this happened to me, @ last weeks game
I dont recal the players (& that's not important)
but I was the one out of position
w/ the 'button' continuously, that player, played it well
(I think, that there were only 3 of us playing, making 6 sittouts)
I ended getting into allotta hands I shouldn't have
thus,, I was out qwik

'the multi-button' player, played it well to get me in hands
it sucked,being in my position
but I have a new strategy for that, if I find myself
in that position again


Hi Mjoshin

If its the same players each week sitting out from start until end and we can confirm that from different players we might be able to remove some of those.

But it's still good having a sit-out strategy because it can mean more chips in your stack.
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 2120
ixgames wrote:

Hi Mjoshin

If its the same players each week sitting out from start until end and we can confirm that from different players we might be able to remove some of those.

But it's still good having a sit-out strategy because it can mean more chips in your stack.

But it's still good having a sit-out strategy because it can mean more chips in your stack.
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]
yes, it is
yesterdays game,The table I sat, only had a few sitouts
so there was no sitout strategy, being used, on my part

back when Doyles was on microgaming
one of their freerolls, was a 6 seater,
that produced a sitout mayhem
a couple times, i joined the tourney, about 20 minutes late
only to find that I'd already been eliminated once,
& the other time, I figured out how I got eliminated so qwik,
5 sitouts vs 1 player, I was down to 40 chips, 20 minutes in!
(LOL, he had to of been tapping that mouse, continuously, the whole time )

If players don't show, for the tourney on time,
the ones that are there, must do whatever they need to
to build their stack - there is nothing wrong with that, as long as
the table chat, doesnt mention a planned action between players,

I have a strategy, didn't use it last week, didnt apply yesterday -
but it is pretty simple - play real tight & let the bully bet for you,
& when the flop gives you a monster, just go w/ the flow,
the bully, will normally, try to use his chips to make you fold.

when he has found out you had a hand, too late -you've doubled up!
do that a few times, & when you stay in w/ a marginal hand
& he checks, if you raise, he'll probably fold...
just play premium starting hands ( or limp if he allows it)
letem build his stack from the sitouts & then transfer it to you
Join: 2008/12/12 Messages: 250
mjoshin125 wrote:

But it's still good having a sit-out strategy because it can mean more chips in your stack.
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]
yes, it is
yesterdays game,The table I sat, only had a few sitouts
so there was no sitout strategy, being used, on my part

back when Doyles was on microgaming
one of their freerolls, was a 6 seater,
that produced a sitout mayhem
a couple times, i joined the tourney, about 20 minutes late
only to find that I'd already been eliminated once,
& the other time, I figured out how I got eliminated so qwik,
5 sitouts vs 1 player, I was down to 40 chips, 20 minutes in!
(LOL, he had to of been tapping that mouse, continuously, the whole time )

If players don't show, for the tourney on time,
the ones that are there, must do whatever they need to
to build their stack - there is nothing wrong with that, as long as
the table chat, doesnt mention a planned action between players,

I have a strategy, didn't use it last week, didnt apply yesterday -
but it is pretty simple - play real tight & let the bully bet for you,
& when the flop gives you a monster, just go w/ the flow,
the bully, will normally, try to use his chips to make you fold.

when he has found out you had a hand, too late -you've doubled up!
do that a few times, & when you stay in w/ a marginal hand
& he checks, if you raise, he'll probably fold...
just play premium starting hands ( or limp if he allows it)
letem build his stack from the sitouts & then transfer it to you

I actually enjoy the sitouts. I look at it as a great opportunity to build an early chip stack. Doesn't bother me in the least. I just treat it as if I was playing at the final table with 2-3-4 left or whatever it may be. If one of those has a huge chip stack advantage, I employ a strategy similar to the one you're describing where I let him be the agressor and hopefully double up at some point.
Join: 2008/04/06 Messages: 47
mjoshin125 wrote:

[CENTER][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]

I Thought I would Start this thread to discuss the SitOut strategies

Now that IX has started revamping their regitration process for
the freerolls & eligible members are automatically entered into the events
the are gonna be a good amount of players 'sitting out'

What are your ideas w/ dealing w/ alotta sitouts at the tables
I have a few Ideas, but @ <16 wpm typing skills, I shall have to work on
putting it together, before posting it


I dont think sit out can be take as a can fold,fold and fold.but earning by sitting out often,that is not so good.
Join: 2009/02/14 Messages: 61
luckytvguy wrote:

I dont think sit out can be take as a can fold,fold and fold.but earning by sitting out often,that is not so good.

i dont think sit out can be take as a can fold,fold and fold.but earning by sitting out often,that is not so good.

He meant was sort of strategy should poker players use to take advantage of players sitting out. Sometimes in poker freerolls you have players at the same table that sits out. What sort of strategies should we use to steal as much chips as possible from that player sitting out.

I remember ones, this is an insane story. Where I played in a poker freeroll couple of years ago.

Full table with 10 players and me and another one the only active players. It felt like christmas and we had so much fun chatting and laughing in front of the computer. Later I called his all-in and won making me the only player at the table. It didnt take long though before active players got transfered and I was not alone any longer.

Never been in a freeroll like that again!
Join: 2006/12/07 Messages: 2120
ixgames wrote:

i dont think sit out can be take as a can fold,fold and fold.but earning by sitting out often,that is not so good.

He meant was sort of strategy should poker players use to take advantage of players sitting out. Sometimes in poker freerolls you have players at the same table that sits out. What sort of strategies should we use to steal as much chips as possible from that player sitting out.

I remember ones, this is an insane story. Where I played in a poker freeroll couple of years ago.

Full table with 10 players and me and another one the only active players. It felt like christmas and we had so much fun chatting and laughing in front of the computer. Later I called his all-in and won making me the only player at the table. It didnt take long though before active players got transfered and I was not alone any longer.

Never been in a freeroll like that again!

As soon as you realize plyrs are sitting out - jump at it - always an easy way of stealing blinds - position can be the key here - but i'd always try to take advantage!
I would go with the agressive approach - don't let someone else have em all.
if you only got a small amount of players actually playing (others sitting out)and you can double up off a player this would put you in perfect position for aggresive play
Join: 2009/09/06 Messages: 405
marco123 wrote:

As soon as you realize plyrs are sitting out - jump at it - always an easy way of stealing blinds - position can be the key here - but i'd always try to take advantage!
I would go with the agressive approach - don't let someone else have em all.
if you only got a small amount of players actually playing (others sitting out)and you can double up off a player this would put you in perfect position for aggresive play

I just treat it as if I was playing at the final table with 2-3-4 left or whatever it may be. If one of those has a huge chip stack advantage, I employ a strategy similar to the one you're describing where I let him be the agressor and hopefully double up at some point.

as soon as you realize plyrs are sitting out - jump at it - always an easy way of stealing blinds - position can be the key here - but i'd always try to take advantage!

[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I am glad to see so much feedback on this


no situation is the same
sometimes, if you are the one in the best position
you have been stealing most of the blinds
you get a monster
and get reraised
just keep at it
cuz, your opponent CANNOT put you on ANYTHING AT ALL

the past Doyles game
still had a lot of sitouts
w/ the plyr in position for the steals, doing just that
but once I called & flopped the Monster
they were crippled & I did the sames to the next 2 players

once I took out 4 players,
I was the only present player at the table for a while
AND 2d in chips

the chip leader hit my table
he'd raise & I folded
I'd raise & he folded
NOTHING was said
just a assumed gentlemens agreement

he soon left
& was replaced by a shorter stack player

I looked at the leaderboard and was in a pretty comfortable position
so, I did not bet on a preflop
unless I was in the blinds
which he folded to

then BAM

final table

Join: 2008/12/12 Messages: 250