Atlantic City casinos might have finally weathered the storm and begun to stabilize the gambling industry for the eight remaining resorts. After ten years of declining revenues due to America’s Great Recession and neighboring states pushing gambling legislation in response to abating tax bases, Atlantic City has seemed to reach a new norm.
Less than two years after one-fourth of its casinos went out of business, revenues for Atlantic City decreased only marginally in March. The region’s casino win totaled $187,463,591 for a 1.7 percent loss, though when Internet gambling is included Atlantic City fell just 0.4 percent.
Traditional table gaming was the worst performer in March as casinos reported a 5.9 percent drop on supposedly higher win rates. The decline was offset by Internet gaming, which rose an astonishing 17.8 percent during the month.
Read more: www-casino-org/news/atlantic-city-casino-revenue-shows-signs-stabilizing-online-gambling-thriving

Looks like gambling business in that area is not performing so good. Unlike in Nevada were they manage to rise their revenues. Is internet gambling affecting the casino operators in that area or due to economic reason people don't have extra money to gamble?
That's just a few points, I could easily fill a full page with analysis of the brick & mortar vs online casino balance.

I don't have any numbers but as an analyst I would think overall the more accessible online gambling is, the less revenue establishments create like brick and mortar casinos. But this is more complex than that, some players will only spend their time on land than online.Then we have players that literally is computer dumb (nothing personal) and will stay away for that reason. Younger generations tend to look online rather than land and so it goes. A bad economy on the other hand can affect both.
That's just a few points, I could easily fill a full page with analysis of the brick & mortar vs online casino balance.
Less than two years after one-fourth of its casinos went out of business, revenues for Atlantic City decreased only marginally in March. The region’s casino win totaled $187,463,591 for a 1.7 percent loss, though when Internet gambling is included Atlantic City fell just 0.4 percent.
Traditional table gaming was the worst performer in March as casinos reported a 5.9 percent drop on supposedly higher win rates. The decline was offset by Internet gaming, which rose an astonishing 17.8 percent during the month.
Read more: www-casino-org/news/atlantic-city-casino-revenue-shows-signs-stabilizing-online-gambling-thriving